It is important for a company to stay ahead of the increasing demand of services during times of growth. Below are some ways G. Fedale has been able to manage their growth as a company and individually.
Training – G. Fedale is proud to share that we proactively pursue opportunities for growth and training in every aspect of our company. Our salesmen, project managers, and installers are all kept up to date with cutting edge training on safety standards, OSHA regulations, product knowledge, manufacturer specifications, and installation processes. We are committed to providing the best training in order to have the best employees who in turn provide the best practices.
Hiring – Not only does our company’s leadership look for and hire well qualified mechanics and technicians, we believe in “hiring for the heart.” In other words, character, integrity, and customer service are equally important to installing the best products the right way. Each candidate to our company is subject to a background check, drug test, references, and extensive on-board training. While we do everything we can to minimize mistakes, sometimes challenging circumstances are a reality. When issues arise, we pursue every possible way to make mistakes a learning opportunity. When an employee is willing to learn and grow, we gladly walk with them. If an employee is unable or unwilling to continue to learn and develop, we may need to encourage them to pursue other employment options in or outside of our company. Our Human Resource office is careful to follow all applicable employment regulations and to treat each employee with the same respect that we expect from them.
Infrastructure – As our company grows, so must our leadership and structure. Our family owned business includes three brothers who share that ownership with great pride and responsibility. The true demonstration of a leader is that he or she maximize their own strengths and bring in others to complement their abilities. We are pleased to have a leadership team that provides many years of experience in strategy, business development, planning and growth, along with customer service and managing organizations. In addition, our sales team continues to expand along with our project managers, crew leaders, installers and support team. Each person has a vital role and shares in the family environment that is growing by the day!
Trucks and equipment – While some companies may push to “hold out” with older trucks and aged equipment, G Fedale believes that safety and efficiency are far more important. This year we have added several new trucks and service vehicles to our fleet. In addition, we continue to maintenance our vehicles to be sure that each can be operated safely and effectively. Our equipment used for each project must meet all OSHA standards and our safety coordinator along with our crew leaders inspect all equipment daily.
Technology – Recently we have updated our company database system. This allows us to track every project, keep all information safe and secure and to share the appropriate information across the company, allowing for continued growth and efficiency. Customer satisfaction is at an all time high as our managers and installers can stay in regular communication with each other and the customer to ensure that each step is managed properly. In addition, many of our crews use ipads to stay “up to date” with the office and the management. Our trucks all have GPS locators to ensure timeliness and safety. Our salesmen and project managers are all provided the appropriate technology to accurately communicate who we are as a company. Finally, technology is a great tool for sharing the benefits of working with G Fedale. Our website is unmatched in quality, format and presentation. Our marketing team does a tremendous job of reaching out to the communities we serve notifying them of the most recent trends and services offered in the home improvement industry.
Company culture – Just as is true for most good things in life, creating a healthy work environment is hard work! Our leadership team strives to live out our core values to every individual that comes across our path, starting with our own employees. Each employee is treated with integrity and respect. Not only do we train on skill, technical abilities, manufacturer specifications and safety standards, we also provide training and accountability for character development, customer service and professionalism. The men and women that work for G Fedale look forward to coming to work every day and share in our core values. In addition, we offer a company gym, competitive pay rates, health insurance (one can apply here), 401 K retirement plan and paid vacation. Recently, several of our best technicians were offered more money to work elsewhere, but turned down the position because of the respect and appreciation they receive working with us. We are thankful to be have a great team!